Do you REALLY By now, hopefully, you've answered all five polls on the homepage and have most likely clicked on this link to find out if you really do love toilets. If you have kept track of the letters of your answers, then scroll down to the paragraph explaining the letter you picked most of. From the paragraph, you should be able to conclude whether or not you really do love your toilet! (P.S. You can read the other paragraphs just for fun too.)
If you answered mostly "A"s:
If you answered mostly "B"s:
If you answered mostly "C"s:
If you answered mostly "D"s:
love toilets?
You are 'neutral' when it comes to toilets. You don't hate them, but you don't love them either. They merely serve you, and for that, at least, you are thankful. You need to work on creating a stronger bond with your toilet and get to know it better if you truly want to become a toilet fanatic.
You truly hate your toilet. How can you dislike such a harmless, beautiful thing to such a degree? You could at least respect your toilet for the task that it performs. The toilet makes your life so much easier, and therefore, you should at least care for it a little. You really need to bond with your toilet some more, or at least sit an extra few minutes on it every day.
You absolutely love your toilet! You can hardly bear to be separated from it! You should truly be proud of yourself for accomplishing something few others have done - loving your toilet. Keep up the good work!
What planet are you from? To never have heard of a toilet, you must be insane! You need to go to the nearest home improvement or hardware store or wherever they sell toilets and get yourself one before its too late! I mean, c'mon, how do you even survive without the love and care of a faithful toilet? So go get one today, or at least use a neighbor's or a public bathroom. (By the way, in case you're still wondering, a toilet is one of those things that are featured in pictures all over this website!)